Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

As a business owner you have many responsibilities. You also have key employees you’d like to retain. We recommend cost-effective employer-sponsored retirement plans to build your retirement savings and shelter hard-earned profits from taxes.

At Integral Wealth Management, we help clients answer questions like:

“Is my business required to have a retirement plan?”
“Which retirement plans allow me to contribute the most?”
“Is there a retirement plan that allows me to save well above the usual 401k contribution limits?”
“Which retirement plans are most cost effective?”
“How can you lessen my liability as a fiduciary?”
“Can you provide ongoing education to my employees?”
“How do I get access to unlimited investment options instead of a lineup of mutual funds?”

Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

Employer-sponsored retirement plans

Defined contributions plans

  • Explaining the basics of Traditional and Roth 401k plans, profit-sharing plans, and SIMPLE IRAs
  • Analyzing contribution limits and fees to determine your optimal way to maximize contributions and minimize taxes and fees
  • Reducing your company’s liability by serving as your plan’s investment fiduciary
  • Providing self-directed brokerage account opportunities for greater access to investments and portfolio management

Defined benefit plans

  • Explaining the basics of Cash Balance plans and other DB plans for access to the highest contributions limits
  • Analyzing contribution limits and fees to determine your optimal way to maximize contributions and minimize taxes and fees
  • Reduce your company’s liability by serving as your plan’s investment fiduciary
  • Liability-driven investing to help reach your targets while minimizing risk

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